Christmas 2016 & New Year 2017 Schedule
2016 has been a great year, but now it is coming to an end so it's time to update you with the Christmas and New Year Schedule.
First of all, Christmas: Well, this year Christmas Day falls on a Sunday so, unusually, there will no auctions and the office will be closed on the 25th. That being said, everything including auctions will be running as normal right up until the end of December 28th. Remember that Christmas can be a surprisingly good time to find deals as other importers are distracted by the holidays. Make sure you keep checking in to see what is available at the auctions every day.
Our offices and the auctions will then be closed from December 29th until the start of the new year on January 5th. That's right, the first auctions of 2017 will be on January 5th, so put that in your diary right now. Just as with Christmas, the start of the new year can be a good time to look while others are still recovering from the festivities, even though you may find overal numbers are a bit down until we reach the first full week of 2017.
That's it. If you have any questions, then please do contact us (contact details at the bottom of each page). But, if not, let me wish you a wonderful break and a blessed and prosperous New Year.