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Golden Week Auction Schedule 2013

Yes, Golden Week’s here again. What, you don’t know what Golden Week is? I suppose if you haven’t lived in Japan, there’s no reason why you should.

Let me explain: Golden Week is a group of several public holidays that all come together around the same time in very late April and early July. (The specific official “holiday” days are April 29th, and May 3rd, 4th and 5th).

Many companies and individuals will often fill in days in between to make a longer, continuous holiday period. Of course, the Japanese car auctions are no different, but since they are run by many different companies (like USS, JU, TAA, to name just a few), they each have a slightly different schedule.

To make things easier for you, we’ve put together this handy guide to help you navigate through Golden Week. As you can see, May 3rd is the only auction day when all the auctions are completely closed. There are at least some cars being auctioned on every other day — and when there are cars to be bought, we are standing buy ready to buy them for you.

Click on the image below to see the details.

Japan car auction schedule for Golden Week 2013

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