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Toyota Aqua Jumps to #2 with Prius Maintaining #1 Crown

Toyota’s new Aqua (called the Prius C in overseas markets) hybrid made a dramatic leap to number 2 in Japan’s April new car sales rankings, up from number 4 the previous month. But it will come as no surprise that the number one crown was retained for the 11th month by the Prius (including the Prius Alpha and PHV versions as well as the classic Prius model under this umbrella model name).

Considering April 2011’s new car sales were devastated in the aftermath of the triple earthquake / tsunami / nuclear disasters, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that Prius sales were 4.5 times higher year on year at 21,906 units sold. The Aqua added another useful 18,481 sales to add a decent boost to Toyota’s overall results.

In other non-Toyota news, Honda’s NBox blasted past the perennial favorite, the Honda Fit, to take third place in the rankings for the first time.

Sources: Asahi, Nikkei (both Japanese-language)

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