Why Does Integrity Exports Require A Deposit?
Before you start buying cars through us, you need to send us a deposit. At 100,000 Yen for the regular deposit, it is not a lot of money. (If you want to buy cars over 1 million Yen auction price, we will ask for 10% of the maximum you want to be able to bid).
This deposit isn't just for a single car in a single auction – it is for the whole time you are buying through us. Whether you buy 2 cars or 200 cars while you are with us makes no difference – you just need that one deposit there.
But you may be wondering why Integrity Exports requires a deposit at all when there are other Japanese car exporters who don't.
The thing is, the real question you should be asking yourself is:
“Why would I even think of buying from an exporter who doesn't require a deposit?”
Read on, and you'll see how we answer that question.
Why Don't Other Companies Require a Deposit?
Just take a moment to think about how this business works: Imagine you are a car exporter in Japan. Now, someone who you have never met before finds your business on the internet, contacts you, and tells you he wants you to get him some cars.
“You buy the cars and I promise I’ll pay you – honestly!”
So what would you do?
You know that if you buy cars at the auctions, you'll have to pay for them full on the next day. What if this guy just walks away and refuses to pay? After all, he loses nothing if he walks away.
Think of it another way:
Imagine you are a car dealer. Would you really let someone come in and drive off with one of your cars without some sort of deposit?
“I’m just off for a test drive. See you later!”
And this is someone who is at least in the same country as you. As a car exporter, all your customers are overseas.
Given the risks, why on earth would a car exporter in Japan buy cars for customers with no deposit upfront?

Desperate times and desperate measures
The sad fact of the matter is that there are a lot of Japanese car exporters out there who are extremely desperate for your business. These exporters are on their knees. They are desperate and they are begging.
They are willing to do anything to get you or anyone else to sign up and start buying through them. Often they are heavily leveraged with large loans and have the banks breathing down their necks demanding payment. They are desperate to show these banks they are still viable:
“Look, sir! We signed up another customer! Please don’t call our loan in….”
That niggling fear
You may think this makes it a buyers market, and in some ways you are right. But here is the crucial question for you before you start buying from someone who says they don’t need a deposit:
If these guys are in such a bad position, that they desperate enough to buy cars at huge risk without any sort of deposit… then how do I know they will still be in business to send me the cars I have paid for? What if they go out of business next week?
We Believe in Running Our Business Safely and Sensibly
The reason we do not taking these kinds of crazy risks is that we are a stable and solid business. We are in this for the long term, and we are not scrabbling around trying to pick up pennies from in front of the proverbial steamroller.
Let’s face it, if you buy cars from an exporter who does not require a deposit, you are always going to have that fear in the back of your mind:
“These guys must be desperate! I wonder whether they will still be around next week? Or will they disappear without trace, taking my money and cars with them?"

At Integrity Exports, we don’t take silly risks. We don't gamble. We run our business sensibly and carefully. You can count on us, and sleep well at night as a result.
It’s just one part of how we make buying from Japan's car auctions stress-free and smooth for you.