How to check the emissions code of a car:
The emissions code shows which Japanese emissions laws the vehicle complies with. This information is almost always written on the car auction inspection sheet, as you can see from the two examples on the left. It is usually written in front of the chassis type, although sometimes it may be written in a separate section. Since it is always written in English letters, it is pretty easy to spot.
As you can see, the auction sheet on the top has a 3-digit emissions code DBA, which is fine for NZ, but the one on the bottom has a 2-digit code, UA.
New Zealand emissions code compliance
From January 1st, 2012, the only emissions codes that are permitted for New Zealand importing are the three-digit ones, such as CBA, DBA, ABA etc.
For Japanese cars, the 3-digit codes started to be introduced in late 2004 and into 2005. However, since non-Japanese makes have a slower product cycle than is typical for the Japanese manufacturers, cars made by non-Japanese manufacturers tended to have the 2-digit codes until later — some into 2006.
Don’t worry: You can use what you have learned above to find the right cars with the correct emissions codes, and remember that we are always double-checking for you as well to make sure you don’t get stuck with a lemon! We will warn you off cars that do not have the right emissions codes, even if you do accidentally bid on them.

Import regulation compliance rules
Ensure you always check the compliance rules before you buy
Although we like to help our customers as much as possible with information about importing into their countries, we know that it is best for each customer to make sure they research the importing requirements for themselves.
The information about emissions code compliance for New Zealand car imports on this page is purely for educational purposes only, and New Zealand buyers are strongly recommended to check out the NZ Transport Authority website for the most accurate and up-to-date information about importing cars from Japan to New Zealand.

We find that the most successful importers really understand how it all works - from the auction to the ship and beyond. Don't get left behind!