The interior and exterior grades are similar to the overall grade of the car, in that they give you a general sense of what the interior or exterior of the car is going to be like.
But remember -- the grading is relative. So an interior grade of “B” means simply that the car has an interior condition that is average considering the age and mileage of the vehicle. You can imagine how an interior grade of B for a 1995 car with 123,000 KM on it is not going to mean the same as an interior grade of B for a 2007 car with 47,000 KM on the clock.
In the case of a regular (unmodified) car, a grading of “A” for the exterior or interior means that these are above average for the age and KM of the vehicle, a grade of “B” means average, and “C” means below average.
Generally, an interior grade below “C” means that the interior has been modified. This is often true in the case of highly modified street racers that have had roll cages fitted, and seats and interior trim removed. These cars will have interior grades of “D” or worse.
Of course, just as with the overall auction grades, you should use these interior and exterior grades only as a guide. Once you have used these grades to narrow down the field of cars you want to bid on, that's when you need to look at the translation of the auction inspection report (for details on the interior and exterior condition) and the explore the car map (for details of the exterior condition). Only then will you have enough information to decide whether to pull the trigger and bid or not.

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