Before we get ahead of ourselves and dive into details, let's remember that the most important thing is to get the basics right. It may not seem very exciting, but getting into the details of your country's import rules, how different types of vehicles may be taxed differently when they are imported and, crucially, researching the needs and desires of the buying public make up the vital foundation of any successful car import business.
There are various factors which can affect the price which we will look at more detail on other pages. These are factors such as whether the car has any time left on its current (Shaken) roadworthiness test certificate, and also on the time of year.
We also look at ways to find cars which may be a bit cheaper than average. Firstly, we look at how to find good cars with repair history, and then we look at how auctions which are off the beaten track can often provide hidden gems.
Finally, we explain more about our bid grouping technique, which allows you to cast your net as wide as possible, without getting more cars than you actually want. And we also look at the best tactics for deciding your maximum bid when you are near round numbers.
These are advanced techniques and high-level information that is rarely known outside the most experienced bidding circles, so take your time and absorb this knowledge so you can become a more effective and profitable Japan car auction buyer.

We find that the most successful importers really understand how it all works - from the auction to the ship and beyond. Don't get left behind!