What kind of information is available on an auction sheet?
The first thing you will notice is that you probably can’t read most of this as it is in Japanese. Well don’t worry about that as this is what we are here for. For any cars you have a serious interest in bidding on, you can request a translation from a highly-qualified human translator.
You will also spot that the inspection reports are divided into sections, as you can see on the left. Some parts you can read, such as the overall grade, interior grade or the annotations on the "car map".
So, what are the main sections in this report?
- Details of the car itself (such as KM, model name, basic equipment etc)
- The overall grading of the car.
- This includes the interior grade (and sometimes also exterior grade) of the car.
- Seller’s sales points.
- Auction inspector’s written comments.
- The “car map” showing exterior damage
Ready to test your knowledge?
Take a look at the auction sheet on this page and then watch the video where I talk you through it and see if you understood it correctly. This is good practice for a new buyer in the market, and can help refresh your memory to ensure you don't miss important notes.

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